
Package config

import "github.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/pkg/config"

Overview ▾

type ChaosControllerConfig

ChaosControllerConfig defines the configuration for Chaos Controller

type ChaosControllerConfig struct {
    // ChaosDaemonPort is the port which grpc server listens on
    ChaosDaemonPort int `envconfig:"CHAOS_DAEMON_SERVICE_PORT" default:"31767"`


    // The QPS config for kubernetes client
    QPS float32 `envconfig:"QPS" default:"30"`
    // The Burst config for kubernetes client
    Burst int `envconfig:"BURST" default:"50"`

    // BPFKIPort is the port which BFFKI grpc server listens on
    BPFKIPort int `envconfig:"BPFKI_PORT" default:"50051"`
    // WebhookHost and WebhookPort are combined into an address the webhook server bind to
    WebhookHost string `envconfig:"WEBHOOK_HOST" default:""`
    WebhookPort int    `envconfig:"WEBHOOK_PORT" default:"9443"`
    // MetricsHost and MetricsPort are combined into an address the metric endpoint binds to
    MetricsHost string `envconfig:"METRICS_HOST" default:""`
    MetricsPort int    `envconfig:"METRICS_PORT" default:"10080"`
    // PprofAddr is the address the pprof endpoint binds to.
    PprofAddr string `envconfig:"PPROF_ADDR" default:"0"`

    // CtrlAddr os the address the ctrlserver bind to
    CtrlAddr string `envconfig:"CTRL_ADDR"`

    // EnableLeaderElection enables leader election for controller manager
    // Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager
    EnableLeaderElection bool `envconfig:"ENABLE_LEADER_ELECTION" default:"true"`
    // LeaderElectLeaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will
    // wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of
    // last observed ack. (default 15s)
    LeaderElectLeaseDuration time.Duration `envconfig:"LEADER_ELECT_LEASE_DURATION" default:"15s"`
    // LeaderElectRenewDeadline is the duration that the acting control-plane
    // will retry refreshing leadership before giving up. (default 10s)
    LeaderElectRenewDeadline time.Duration `envconfig:"LEADER_ELECT_RENEW_DEADLINE" default:"10s"`
    // LeaderElectRetryPeriod is the duration the LeaderElector clients should wait
    // between tries of actions. (default 2s)
    LeaderElectRetryPeriod time.Duration `envconfig:"LEADER_ELECT_RETRY_PERIOD" default:"2s"`

    // EnableFilterNamespace will filter namespace with annotation. Only the pods/containers in namespace
    // annotated with `chaos-mesh.org/inject=enabled` will be injected
    EnableFilterNamespace bool `envconfig:"ENABLE_FILTER_NAMESPACE" default:"false"`
    // CertsDir is the directory for storing certs key file and cert file
    CertsDir string `envconfig:"CERTS_DIR" default:"/etc/webhook/certs"`
    // RPCTimeout is timeout of RPC between controllers and chaos-operator
    RPCTimeout time.Duration `envconfig:"RPC_TIMEOUT" default:"1m"`
    // ClusterScoped means control Chaos Object in cluster level(all namespace),
    ClusterScoped bool `envconfig:"CLUSTER_SCOPED" default:"true"`
    // TargetNamespace is the target namespace to injecting chaos.
    // It only works with ClusterScoped is false;
    TargetNamespace string `envconfig:"TARGET_NAMESPACE" default:""`

    // DNSServiceName is the name of DNS service, which is used for DNS chaos
    DNSServiceName string `envconfig:"CHAOS_DNS_SERVICE_NAME" default:""`
    DNSServicePort int    `envconfig:"CHAOS_DNS_SERVICE_PORT" default:""`

    // SecurityMode is used for enable authority validation in admission webhook
    SecurityMode bool `envconfig:"SECURITY_MODE" default:"true" json:"security_mode"`

    // ChaosdSecurityMode is used for enable mTLS connection between chaos-controller-manager and chaod
    ChaosdSecurityMode bool `envconfig:"CHAOSD_SECURITY_MODE" default:"true" json:"chaosd_security_mode"`

    // Namespace is the namespace which the controller manager run in
    Namespace string `envconfig:"NAMESPACE" default:""`

    // AllowHostNetworkTesting removes the restriction on chaos testing pods with `hostNetwork` set to true
    AllowHostNetworkTesting bool `envconfig:"ALLOW_HOST_NETWORK_TESTING" default:"false"`

    // PodFailurePauseImage is used to set a custom image for pod failure
    PodFailurePauseImage string `envconfig:"POD_FAILURE_PAUSE_IMAGE" default:"gcr.io/google-containers/pause:latest"`

    EnabledControllers []string `envconfig:"ENABLED_CONTROLLERS" default:"*"`
    EnabledWebhooks    []string `envconfig:"ENABLED_WEBHOOKS" default:"*"`

    LocalHelmChartPath string `envconfig:"LOCAL_HELM_CHART_PATH" default:""`

func EnvironChaosController

func EnvironChaosController() (ChaosControllerConfig, error)

EnvironChaosController returns the settings from the environment.

type ChaosDashboardConfig

ChaosDashboardConfig defines the configuration for Chaos Dashboard

type ChaosDashboardConfig struct {
    ListenHost           string                   `envconfig:"LISTEN_HOST" default:"" json:"listen_host"`
    ListenPort           int                      `envconfig:"LISTEN_PORT" default:"2333" json:"listen_port"`
    MetricHost           string                   `envconfig:"METRIC_HOST" default:"" json:"-"`
    MetricPort           int                      `envconfig:"METRIC_PORT" default:"2334" json:"-"`
    EnableLeaderElection bool                     `envconfig:"ENABLE_LEADER_ELECTION" json:"-"`
    Database             *DatabaseConfig          `json:"-"`
    PersistTTL           *TTLConfigWithStringTime `json:"-"`
    // ClusterScoped means control Chaos Object in cluster level(all namespace).
    ClusterScoped bool `envconfig:"CLUSTER_SCOPED" default:"true" json:"cluster_mode"`
    // TargetNamespace is the target namespace to injecting chaos.
    // It only works with ClusterScoped is false.
    TargetNamespace string `envconfig:"TARGET_NAMESPACE" default:"" json:"target_namespace"`
    // EnableFilterNamespace will filter namespace with annotation. Only the pods/containers in namespace
    // annotated with `chaos-mesh.org/inject=enabled` will be injected.
    EnableFilterNamespace bool `envconfig:"ENABLE_FILTER_NAMESPACE" default:"false"`
    // SecurityMode will use the token login by the user if set to true
    SecurityMode bool `envconfig:"SECURITY_MODE" default:"true" json:"security_mode"`
    // GcpSecurityMode will use the gcloud authentication to login to GKE user
    GcpSecurityMode bool   `envconfig:"GCP_SECURITY_MODE" default:"false" json:"gcp_security_mode"`
    GcpClientId     string `envconfig:"GCP_CLIENT_ID" default:"" json:"-"`
    GcpClientSecret string `envconfig:"GCP_CLIENT_SECRET" default:"" json:"-"`

    RootUrl string `envconfig:"ROOT_URL" default:"http://localhost:2333" json:"root_path"`

    // enableProfiling is a flag to enable pprof in controller-manager and chaos-daemon
    EnableProfiling bool `envconfig:"ENABLE_PROFILING" default:"true" json:"-"`

    // After v2.5, the DNS server is created by default.
    DNSServerCreate bool   `envconfig:"DNS_SERVER_CREATE" default:"true" json:"dns_server_create"`
    Version         string `json:"version"`

    // The QPS config for kubernetes client
    QPS float32 `envconfig:"QPS" default:"200" json:"-"`
    // The Burst config for kubernetes client
    Burst int `envconfig:"BURST" default:"300" json:"-"`

func GetChaosDashboardEnv

func GetChaosDashboardEnv() (*ChaosDashboardConfig, error)

GetChaosDashboardEnv gets all env variables related to dashboard.

type DatabaseConfig

DatabaseConfig defines the configuration for databases

type DatabaseConfig struct {
    Driver string `envconfig:"DATABASE_DRIVER"     default:"sqlite3"`
    // Datasource is the connection string for database.
    // For sqlite3, it is the path of the database file.
    // For mysql, it is the DSN (https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name).
    Datasource string `envconfig:"DATABASE_DATASOURCE" default:"core.sqlite"`

type TLSConfig

TLSConfig defines the configuration for chaos-daemon and chaosd tls client

type TLSConfig struct {
    // ChaosMeshCACert is the path of chaos daemon ca cert
    ChaosMeshCACert string `envconfig:"CHAOS_MESH_CA_CERT" default:""`
    // ChaosDaemonClientCert is the path of chaos daemon certificate
    ChaosDaemonClientCert string `envconfig:"CHAOS_DAEMON_CLIENT_CERT" default:""`
    // ChaosDaemonClientKey is the path of chaos daemon certificate key
    ChaosDaemonClientKey string `envconfig:"CHAOS_DAEMON_CLIENT_KEY" default:""`

    // ChaosdCACert is the path of chaosd ca cert
    ChaosdCACert string `envconfig:"CHAOSD_CA_CERT" default:""`
    // ChaosdClientCert is the path of chaosd certificate
    ChaosdClientCert string `envconfig:"CHAOSD_CLIENT_CERT" default:""`
    // ChaosdClientKey is the path of chaosd certificate key
    ChaosdClientKey string `envconfig:"CHAOSD_CLIENT_KEY" default:""`

type TTLConfig

TTLConfig defines all the TTL-related configurations.

type TTLConfig struct {
    // ResyncPeriod defines the period of cleaning data.
    ResyncPeriod time.Duration

    // TTL of events.
    EventTTL time.Duration
    // TTL of experiments.
    ExperimentTTL time.Duration
    // TTL of schedules.
    ScheduleTTL time.Duration
    // TTL of workflows.
    WorkflowTTL time.Duration

type TTLConfigWithStringTime

TTLConfigWithStringTime defines all the TTL-related configurations with string type time.

type TTLConfigWithStringTime struct {
    ResyncPeriod string `envconfig:"CLEAN_SYNC_PERIOD" default:"12h"`

    EventTTL      string `envconfig:"TTL_EVENT"         default:"168h"` // one week
    ExperimentTTL string `envconfig:"TTL_EXPERIMENT"    default:"336h"` // two weeks
    ScheduleTTL   string `envconfig:"TTL_SCHEDULE"      default:"336h"`
    WorkflowTTL   string `envconfig:"TTL_WORKFLOW"      default:"336h"`

func (*TTLConfigWithStringTime) Parse

func (config *TTLConfigWithStringTime) Parse() (*TTLConfig, error)