
Package types

import "github.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/pkg/dashboard/apiserver/types"

Overview ▾

type Archive

Archive defines the basic information of an archive.

type Archive = core.ObjectBase

type ArchiveDetail

ArchiveDetail represents an archive instance.

It inherits `Archive` and adds complete definition of an experiment.

type ArchiveDetail struct {
    KubeObject core.KubeObjectDesc `json:"kube_object"`

type Experiment

Experiment defines the basic information of an experiment.

type Experiment struct {
    Status        status.ChaosStatus `json:"status"`
    FailedMessage string             `json:"failed_message,omitempty"`

type ExperimentDetail

ExperimentDetail represents an experiment instance.

It inherits `Experiment` and adds complete definition of an experiment.

type ExperimentDetail struct {
    KubeObject core.KubeObjectDesc `json:"kube_object"`

type PhysicalMachine

PhysicalMachine defines the basic information of a physical machine.

type PhysicalMachine struct {
    Name      string `json:"name"`
    Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
    Address   string `json:"address"`

type Pod

Pod defines the basic information of a pod.

type Pod struct {
    IP        string `json:"ip"`
    Name      string `json:"name"`
    Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
    State     string `json:"state"`

type Schedule

Schedule defines the basic information of a schedule.

type Schedule struct {
    Status status.ScheduleStatus `json:"status"`

type ScheduleDetail

ScheduleDetail represents an archive instance.

It inherits `Schedule` and adds complete definition of a schedule.

type ScheduleDetail struct {
    ExperimentUIDs []string            `json:"experiment_uids"`
    KubeObject     core.KubeObjectDesc `json:"kube_object"`

type StatusCheckTemplate

type StatusCheckTemplate struct {
    Namespace   string                       `json:"namespace"`
    Name        string                       `json:"name"`
    Description string                       `json:"description,omitempty"`
    Spec        v1alpha1.StatusCheckTemplate `json:"spec"`

type StatusCheckTemplateBase

type StatusCheckTemplateBase struct {
    Namespace   string `json:"namespace"`
    Name        string `json:"name"`
    UID         string `json:"uid"`
    Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
    Created     string `json:"created_at"`

type StatusCheckTemplateDetail

StatusCheckTemplateDetail represents an archive instance.

It inherits `StatusCheckTemplateBase` and adds complete definition of a Status Check template.

type StatusCheckTemplateDetail struct {
    StatusCheckTemplateBase `json:",inline,omitempty"`
    Spec                    v1alpha1.StatusCheckTemplate `json:"spec"`